1. In the anti-Born-Oppenheimer approximation, the nuclear eigenvalue equation is solved first for the eigenvalue as a function of the electronic coordinates. This resulting eigenvalue is then used as the potential energy in the Hamiltonian of the electronic eigenvalue equation which is solved for its eigenvalue in order to obtain the spectral energies.
2. Bethe, H.A., Salpeter, E. E.: Quantum mechanics of one- and two-electron systems. London: Academic Press Ltd. 1958
3. Jones, W. D., Simpson, W. T.: J. Chem. Phys. 32, 1747 (1960)
4. The method used for the evaluation of the integral in relation (2) involves the integration of a confluent hypergeometric function over all space. The resulting hypergeometric series must then be reduced to a closed form expression in order to expedite the convergence of the sum over the index n and the convergence of the integral over the index k. Landau. L.D., Lifschitz, E. M: Quantum mechanics, Non-relativistic theory. London: Pergamon Press Ltd. 1958
5. Bettega, R. J.: Ph.D. Dissertation. University of Oregon 1978