1. A. M. Blinova and K. E. Serebryanik, in: The Regulation of Respiration, the Circulation, and Gas Exchange [in Russian], Moscow (1948), p. 42.
2. A. M. Blinova et al., in: The Regulation of Respiration, the Circulation, and Gas Exchange [in Russian], Moscow (1948), p. 91.
3. E. Gellhorn, Regulatory Functions of the Autonomic Nervous System; Their Significance for Physiology, Psychology, and Neuropsychiatry [Russian translation], Moscow (1948).
4. I. S. Kandror and L. L. Shik, in: The Regulation of Respiration, the Circulation, and Gas Exchange [in Russian], Moscow (1948), p. 189.
5. E. A. Kovalenko, in: The Oxygen Regime of the Body and Its Regulation [in Russian], Kiev (1966), p. 167.