1. AMERICAN PUBLIC HEALTH ASSOCIATION: Standard Methods for the Evaluation of Water and Wastewater.14 ed. New York: APHA (1975).
2. CHAPMAN, G.: Amer. Fish Soc., Trans.107, 841 (1978).
3. CHAPMAN, G., and J. McCRADY: Ecol. Res. Ser. EPA-600/3-77-035, U.S. Environ. Prot. Agency, Corvallis, Oregon (1977).
4. COMMITTEE ON METHODS fOR TOXICITY TESTS WITH AQUATIC ORGANISMS: Ecol. Res. Ser. EPA-600/3-75-009, U.S. Environ. Prot. Agency, Corvallis, Oregon (1975).
5. ELLER, L. L.: Amer. Fish Soc., Trans.102, 52 (1973).