1. Committee on Biomedical and Behavioral Research Personnel.Personnel Needs and Training for Biomedical and Behavioral Research. Washington, D.C.: National Research Council, 1976.
2. Daedulus, vol. 96, no. 3 (Summer 1967): special issue devoted to the theme “Toward the Year 2000: Work in Progress.”
3. Demerath, N.J., III; Larsen, Otto; and Schuessler, Karl, eds.Social Policy and Sociology. New York: Academic Press, 1975.
4. Freeman, Richard Berry, and Breneman, David W.Forecasting the Ph.D. Labor Market: Pitfalls for Policy. Technical Report No. 2. National Board on Graduate Education, April 1974.
5. Lowrance, William W. “The NAS Surveys of Fundamental Research 1962–1974, in Retrospect.”Science, 23 September 1977, 1254–60.