1. Bruges, 1972, quoted byR. M. Sitdall. Conference on Techniques of Microcalorimetric Investigations on Cellular Systems with Special Reference to the Clinical Field. Chemical Center, Lund University, Lund, Sweden, July 9–11, 1973.
2. L. Hellgren andK. Larsson, Techniques of Microcalorimetric Investigations on Cellular Systems with Special Reference to the Clinical Field. Chemical Center, Lund University, Lund, Sweden, July 9–11, 1973.
3. G. B. Est andJ. F. Riley, J. Physiol. Lond.119, 44 (1952).
4. H. Zachariae, Acta derm.-vener., Stockh.43, 125 (1963).
5. L. Hellgren andJ. Vincent, Personal communication (1975).