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2. Simons, C.A., Christiansen, P.D., Pritchett, L.C., and Beyerman, G.A.: 1987, ?Whitehorse Efficient Woodheat Demonstration?, prepared for the City of Whitehorse, 2121 Second Avenue, Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada Y1A 1C2, September.
3. Simons, C.A., Christiansen, P.D., Houck, J.E., and Pritchett, L.C.: 1989, ?Woodstove Emission Sampling Methods Comparability Analysis and In-situ Evaluation of New Technology Woodstoves?, EPA-600/7-89-002 (NTIS DE89001551/LP), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, January.
4. Barnett, S.G.: 1990, ?Field Performance of Advanced Technology Woodstoves in Glens Falls, NY, 1988-89?, EPA-600/7-90-019a (Volume I) and EPA-600/7-90-019b (Volume II. Technical Appendices), (NTIS PB91-125641 and -125658, respectively). U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, October.
5. Jaasma, D.R., Champion, M.C., and Shelton, J.W.: 1990, ?Woodstove smoke and CO emissions: comparison of reference methods with the VPI sampler?, Air and Waste Management Ass., 40 (6), 866.