1. Ahmed, A. (1973). Blood parasites of livestock in the Kano state—Paper read at the Seminar on “Tick-borne diseases of livestock in Nigeria” at the University of Ibadan, April 1973.
2. Beaton, W. G. (1939). Goat husbandry in Northern Nigeria including a descriptive survey of the causes of mortality. Annual Report Veterinary Department Nigeria, 1937; pp. 31–48.
3. Campbell, J. A. (1970). Notes on species of ticks in the Zoology Department collection, University of Edinburgh.
4. Gambles, R. M. (1951). Tick survey. Annual report Veterinary Department Nigeria, 1950–51, p. 39.
5. Mettam, R. W. M. (1951). Annual Report Veterinary Laboratory, Vom, 1949–50, pp. 32–36.