1. K. Groen, In: The First Ten Years: The Examination and Conservation of Paintings, 1977– to 1987, ed. by I. McClure (The Hamilton Kerr Institute of the Fitzwilliam Museum. University of Cambridge, Cambridge, 1988) Vol. 1, pp. 48–65.
2. W.C. McCrone, JAIC 33(2), 101–114 (1994)
3. M.H. Butler, Microscope 21, 101 (1973)
4. M.H. Butler, Polarized Light Microscopy in the Conservation of Painting (State Microscopical Society of Illinois, Chicago, 1970)
5. J. S. Martin, in Postprints of the Wooden Artifacts Group, Amer. Inst. for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works, Wooden Artifacts Group, 1996, pp. 19–21