1. Boyd, L.H. Jr. and Remy, L.L. (1978). Is foster parent training worth while?Social Service Review, 52, 275?296.
2. Child Welfare League of America (1976). Introduction to foster parenting. HEW 105-74-1102, Washington, D.C.
3. Dreikurs, R., Greenwald, B.B. and Pepper, F.C. (1982).Maintaining Sanity in the Classroom, 2nd Ed., New York: Harper & Row.
4. Edelstein, S. (1981) ?When foster children leave, helping foster parents to grieve.Child Welfare, 60, 467?473.
5. Euster, Sandra, et al. (1982). Adapting Counseling Techniques to Foster Parent Training.Child Welfare, 51, 375?382.