1. Carr, J. W. III.: Error Analysis in Floating Point Arithmetic. Commun. of the Assoc. for Comp. Mach.2, 10 (May 1959).
2. Fischer, P. C.: Automatic propagated and round-off error analysis. (To be published.).
3. Frank, W. L.: Computing eigenvalues of complex matrices by determinant evaluation and by the methods ofDanilewski andWielandt. J. Soc. Indust. Appl. Math.6, 378 (1958).
4. Givens, W.: Numerical computation of the characteristic values of a real symmetric matrix. Oak-Ridge National Laboratory, ORNL-1574.
5. Hyman, M.: Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of general matrices. Presented at the 12th National Meeting of the Association for Computing Machinery, June 1957, Houston, Texas.