1. Austin, J. L.: 1975, How To Do Things With Words, Eds. J. O. Urmson and MarinaSbisa, 2nd edition, Harvard University Press, Cambridge. p. 92.
2. Searle, J. R.: 1971, ?Austin on Locutionary and Illocutionary Acts?, In Readings in the Philosophy of Language, Eds. J. Rosenberg and C.Travis, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, pp. 262?275.
3. There are other acts which can be distinguished here which Searle calls propositional acts, but these are unnecessary for our present purposes. Cf. Searle, J. R.: Speech Acts, 1969, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, p. 24.
4. Austin, Speech Acts, 1969, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, p. 103.
5. Davidson, Donald: 1975 ?The Logical Form of Action Sentences?. In The Logic of Grammar, D. Davidson and G.Harman, (Eds.) Dickenson publishing Company, Encino, pp. 235?246.