1. A. M. BARNETT, Proceedings of the International Conference on Photovoltaic Solar Energy, Berlin, September, 1979 (D. Reidel Publishing Co., Dordrecht and Boston, 1979) p. 328.
2. A. CATALANO, J. V. MASI and N. C. WYETH, Proceedings of the International Conference on Photovoltaic Solar Energy, Berlin, September, 1979 (D. Reidel Publishing Co., Dordrecht and Boston, 1979) p. 440.
3. A. MÖLLER, U. ELROD, P. MUNZ, J. HÖNIGSCHMID, C. CLEMEN and E. BUCHER, 14th International Conference on Physics of Semiconductors, Edinburgh, 1978, Institute of Physics Conference Series No. 43, edited by B. L. H. Wilson (Institute of Physics, Bristol, 1979) p. 825.
4. K. R. MURALI and D. R. RAO, Proceedings of the Nuclear and Solid State Physics Symposium, December, 1978, Publication No. 21C (Department of Atomic Energy, Govt. of India) p. 217.
5. Idem, J. Mater. Sci. 16 (1981) 547.