1. Stâlhane B., Pyk S.: Teknisk Tidskrift 61, 389 (1931)
2. W.A. Wakeham, A. Nagashima, J.V. Sengers (eds.), Experimental Thermodynamics. Vol. III, Measurement of the Transport Properties of Fluids (Blackwell Scientific Publications, London, 1991)
3. M.J. Assael, K.D. Antoniadis, in Proceedings of 30th International Thermal Conductivity Conference (Pittsburgh, PA, 2009)
4. J. Priestley,Experiments and Observations Relating to Various Branches of Natural Philosophy; with a Continuation of the Observations on Air, vol. II (Pearson and Rollason, London, 1781)
5. J. Renwick, Life of Benjamin Thompson-Count Rumford, Library of American Biography (Charles C. Little and James Brown, Boston, 1848)