1. Wulf R., Gross U., Barth G. (2004) Keramische Zeitschrift 56: 554
2. R. Wulf, U. Gross, G. Barth, in Proceedings of the 17th European Conference on Thermophysical Properties (Bratislava, Slovak Republic, 2005) (to be published in Int. J. Thermophys.)
3. G. Barth, U. Gross, W. Staudte, H. Gründler, Proc. Eurotherm Seminar 44 (1995)
4. Gross U., Barth G., Wulf R., Tran L.T.S (2001) High Temp.- High Press. 33: 141
5. Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement (GUM) (ISO, Geneva, 1995)