1. M.B. Diggin, “Modern Electroforming Solutions and Their Applications,” ASTM Special Publication, No. 318 (1962), pp. 10–21.
2. G. DeGroat, “Electroforming,” Special Report no. 608, American Machinist (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1967). 3.AES-ASTM Electroforming Symposium (Orlando,FL: American Electroplaters’ Society, 1974).
3. AES-ASTM Electroforming Symposium (Orlando, FL: American Electroplaters’ Society, 1974).
4. G.A. Malone, “Investigation of Electroforming Techniques,” NASA CR-134776 (Buffalo, NY: Bell Aerospace, 1975).
5. G.A. DiBari, “Electroforming,” Electroplating Engineering Handbook, ed. L.J. Durney, 4th ed. (New York: Van Nostrand Reinho“, 1984), pp. 474–490.