Jewish history and gentile memory: The expulsion of 1492


Peters Edward


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


History,Cultural Studies

Reference39 articles.

1. František Graus,Lebendige Vergangenheit. Überlieferung im Mittelalter und in den Vorstellung vom Mittelalter (Cologne-Vienna, 1975). Cf. Eric Hobsbawm and Terence Ranger (eds.),The Invention of Tradition (Cambridge, 1983), and Jacques Le Goff,History and Memory, trans. Steven Rendall and Elizabeth Claman (New York, 1992).

2. Bernard Lewis,History Remembered, Recovered, Invented (Princeton, 1975; rpt. New York, 1987).

3. The inclusion of the term “heritage” in this association has been discussed by David Lowenthal in a communication toPerspectives: American Historical Association Newsletter 32/1 (1994): 17–18.

4. Lewis, 54–55.

5. An English translation is appended to this article. The essential studies are those of Maurice Kriegel, “La prise d'une décision: l'expulsion des juifs d'Espagne en 1492,”Revue historique 260 (1978): 49–90; Stephen Haliczer, “The Castilian Urban Patriciate and the Jewish Expulsions of 1492,” in J.M. Sola-Sole, Samuel G. Armistead, and Joseph H. Silverman (eds.),Hispania Judaica: Studies on the History, Language, and Literature of the Jews in the Hispanic World, vol. 1,History (Barcelona, n.d.), 37–47; Henry Kamen, “The Mediterranean and the Expulsion of Spanish Jews in 1492,”Past and Present 119 (1988): 30–55; John Edwards,The Jews in Christian Europe, 1400–1700 (London-New York, 1988, 1991); Luis Suarez Fernandez,Júdios Espanoles en la Edad Media (Madrid, 1980; Fr. trans.,Les juifs espagnols au Moyen Age [Paris, 1983]), 257–275; idem,La Expulsion de los Júdios de España, 2nd ed. (Madrid, 1992); Maria Antonia Bel Bravo,Los Reyes Catholicos y los Júdios Andaluces (1474–1492) (Granada, 1989). In the commemorative year 1992 a considerable number of conferences and studies have been devoted to the subject. See Elie Kedourie (ed.),Spain and the Jews: The Sephardi Experience 1492 and After (London, 1992), especially the essays by Eleazar Gutwirth, Henry Kamen, and Haim Beinart, as well as others cited individually below; Henry Méchoulan et al. (eds.),Les Juifs d'Espagne: histoire d'une diaspora, 1492–1992 (n.p.: Liana Levi, 1992), esp. 9–72. The papers of the conferences at Columbia University and at the University of Leuven, the latter called “De Uitdrijving van de Joden uit Spanje (1391–1492) en de Gevolgen voor de Zuidelijke Nederlanden,” have not yet appeared. For the broader context, see Leon Poliakov,The History of Anti-Semitism, vol. 2,From Mohammed to the Marranos, trans,. Natalie Gerardi (New York, 1973), 198–205; Jane S. Gerber,The Jews of Spain: A History of the Sephardic Experience (New York, 1992). The magazineEretz produced aSpecial Issue on the expulsion in 1992, containing a brief comment in English (31–33) by Maurice Kriegel, “A Means or an End?” The standard collections of documents on the expulsion are those of Fritz Baer,Die Juden in christlichen Spanien. Erster Teil / Urkunden und Regesten (Berlin, 1929–1936), rpt. with Introduction by the author and a select additional bibliography by H. Beinart (London, 1970), and Luis Suarez Fernandez,Documentos Acerca de la Expulsion de los Júdios (Valladolid, 1964).

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