1. Agamben, Giorgio. 2004. The open: Man and animal. Trans. Kevin Attell. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
2. Calarco, M. 2011. Identity, difference, indistinction. CR: The New Centennial Review 11(2): 41–60.
3. Derrida, Jacques. 1981. Positions. Trans. Alan Bass. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
4. Nietzsche, Friedrich. 1954. Twilight of the idols. Trans. W. Kaufmann. New York: Viking.
5. Nietzsche, Friedrich. 1979. Truth and Lie in the extra-moral sense. Trans. Daniel Breazeale. In Truth and philosophy: Selections from Nietzsche’s notebooks of the 1870s. New Jersey: Humanities Press.