1. L.A. MacColl,Fundamental Theory of Servomechanisms, Van Nostrand Co.: New York, 1945.
2. J.C. Lozier, “Carrier-Control Relay Servos,”Electric Engng., vol. 69, pp. 1052–1056, 1950.
3. R. Oldenburger, “Signal Stabilization of a Control System,”Trans. ASME, vol. 69, pp. 1869–1872, 1957.
4. R. Oldenburger and C.C. Liu, “Signal Stabilization of a Control System,”Trans. AIEE, vol. 78, pp. 96–100, 1959.
5. R.C. Boyer, “Sinusoidal Signal Stabilization,”M.S. Thesis, Purdue Univ., Lafayette, Ind., 1960.