1. T. W. Anderson,An Introduction to Mullivariate Analysis, Wiley and Sons, New York, 1960.
2. T. W. Anderson and S. Das Gupta, “Monotonicity of the power functions of some tests of independence between two sets of variates,”Ann. Math. Statist., 35 (1964), 206–208.
3. R. Bellman,An Introduction to Matrix Analysis, McGraw Hill Book Co., New York, 1960.
4. D. L. Heck, “Charts of some upper percentage points of the distribution of the largest characteristic root,”Ann. Math. Statist., 31 (1960), 625–642.
5. C. G. Khatri, “A note on the equality of the characteristic roots of the product and the sum of two symmetric matrices,”Institute of Statistics, University of North Carolina, Mimeoseries, No. 387 (1964).