Selection from multivariate normal populations


Alam Khursheed,Rizvi M. Haseeb


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Statistics and Probability

Reference11 articles.

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1. Fixed-Confidence, Fixed-Tolerance Guarantees for Ranking-and-Selection Procedures;ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation;2021-04-30

2. Revisiting Subset Selection;2020 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC);2020-12-14

3. Analysis of Saturated and Super-Saturated Factorial Designs: A Review;Advances on Methodological and Applied Aspects of Probability and Statistics;2019-04-30

4. Selecting the normal population with the smallest variance: A restricted subset selection rule;Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods;2016-07-26

5. Selection Procedures;Wiley StatsRef: Statistics Reference Online;2014-09-29







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