Gauge theory on ρ-Minkowski space-time


Maris ValentineORCID,Wallet Jean-ChristopheORCID


Abstract We construct a gauge theory model on the 4-dimensional ρ-Minkowski space-time, a particular deformation of the Minkowski space-time recently considered. The corresponding star product results from a combination of Weyl quantization map and properties of the convolution algebra of the special Euclidean group. We use noncommutative differential calculi based on twisted derivations together with a twisted notion of noncommutative connection. The twisted derivations pertain to the Hopf algebra of ρ-deformed translations, a Hopf subalgebra of the ρ-deformed Poincaré algebra which can be viewed as defining the quantum symmetries of the ρ-Minkowski space-time. The gauge theory model is left invariant under the action of the ρ-deformed Poincaré algebra. The kinetic part of the action is found to coincide with the one of the usual (commutative) electrodynamics.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC

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