Next-to-eikonal corrections to dijet production in Deep Inelastic Scattering in the dilute limit of the Color Glass Condensate


Agostini PedroORCID,Altinoluk Tolga,Armesto Néstor


Abstract We analyze the effects of next-to-eikonal corrections on dijet production in Deep Inelastic Scattering off nuclear targets in the framework of the Color Glass Condensate. They require the knowledge of correlators of fields in the target beyond those computed in the standard McLerran-Venugopalan model, specifically those between transverse and boost-enhanced components, and of the recoil of the fields. We neglect the latter, while for the former we develop a linear model valid for large nuclei. We considered the unpolarized cross sections for dijet production in the approximation of a homogenous dilute nucleus, obtaining simple analytic expressions for the cross sections at next-to-eikonal accuracy, valid in the limit of total dijet momentum and dijet momentum imbalance larger than the saturation scale of the nucleus. We perform a numerical study of the results at energies of the Electron Ion Collider, finding $$ \mathcal{O} $$ O (10%) effects in the cross sections at large total momentum. We also analyze the azimuthal asymmetries between total momentum and imbalance, finding that non-eikonal corrections induce odd azimuthal harmonics for the situation of jets with equal momentum fractions from the virtual photon, where they are absent in the eikonal approximation. Finally, in the eikonal approximation we have compared the results of our analytic expansion valid in the dilute limit of the target, and the full Color Glass Condensate results in the McLerran-Venugopalan model and their correlation limit. Our analytic expressions match the correlation limit ones in the region where both should be simultaneously valid and reproduce very well the full Color Glass Condensate results in its validity region.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC







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