We investigate rotating effect on deconfinement phase transition in an Einstein-Maxwell-Dilaton (EMD) model in bottom-up holographic QCD approach. By constructing a rotating black hole, which is supposed to be dual to rotating strongly coupled nuclear matter, we investigate the thermodynamic quantities, including entropy density, pressure, energy density, trace anomaly, sound speed and specific heat for both pure gluon system and two-flavor system under rotation. It is shown that those thermodynamic quantities would be enhanced by large angular velocity. Also, we extract the information of phase transition from those thermodynamic quantities, as well as the order parameter of deconfinement phase transition, i.e. the loop operators. It is shown that, in the T − ω plane, for two-flavor case with small chemical potential, the phase transition is always crossover. The transition temperature decreases slowly with angular velocity and chemical potential. For pure gluon system with zero chemical potential, the phase transition is always first order, while at finite chemical potential a critical end point (CEP) will present in the T − ω plane.
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
Nuclear and High Energy Physics
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