Affine algebras at infinite distance limits in the Heterotic String


Collazuol Veronica,Graña Mariana,Herráez Alvaro,De Freitas Héctor ParraORCID


Abstract We analyze the boundaries of the moduli spaces of compactifications of the heterotic string on Td, making particular emphasis on d = 2 and its F-theory dual. We compute the OPE algebras as we approach all the infinite distance limits that correspond to (possibly partial) decompactification limits in some dual frame. When decompactifying k directions, we find infinite towers of states becoming light that enhance the algebra arising at a given point in the moduli space of the Td−k compactification to its k-loop version, where the central extensions are given by the k KK vectors. For T2 compactifications, we reproduce all the affine algebras that arise in the F-theory dual, and show all the towers explicitly, including some that are not manifest in the F-theory counterparts. Furthermore, we construct the affine SO(32) algebra arising in the full decompactification limit, both in the heterotic and in the F-theory sides, showing that not only affine algebras of exceptional type arise in the latter.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Nuclear and High Energy Physics







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