1. Alston W (1991) Perceiving God: the epistemology of religious experience. Cornell University Press, Ithaca
2. Anselm (2000a) Monologion. In: Complete philosophical and theological treatises of Anselm of Canterbury (trans: Jasper Hopkins and Herbert Richardson). Arthur J. Banning Press, Minneapolis
3. Anselm (2000b) Proslogion. In: Complete philosophical and theological treatises of Anselm of Canterbury (trans: Jasper Hopkins and Herbert Richardson). Arthur J. Banning Press, Minneapolis
4. Aquinas T (1947) Summa theologica (trans: Fathers of the English Dominican Provence, Benziger Bros. edition). http://dhspriory.org/thomas/summa/
5. Augustine (1961) Confessions (trans: R.S. Pine-Coffin). Penguin Books, London