1. Agricultural Research Corporation of the Sudan. 1981. The horticultural resources of the Kordofan Region of Sudan. Report Khartoum.
2. Andrews, F. W. 1952. The Flowering Plants of the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan. Vol. II. T. Buncle, Arbroath, Scotland, U.K.
3. Association of Official Analytical Chemists. 1975. Official Methods of Analysis. 12th ed. A.O.A.C, Washington, DC.
4. Buchanan, R. E., and N. E. Gibbons. 1974. Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Bacteriology. 8th ed. Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore.
5. Martin, F. W., and R. M. Ruberté. 1979. Edible Leaves of the Tropics. 2nd ed. Agricultural Research, Southern Region, USDA, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico.