1. Jorissen, A. L.: Discharge measurements by means of Venturi tubes. Trans. Amer. Soc. mech. Engrs.73 (1951) Nr. 4 S. 403/11.
2. Flow measurement. ASME Power Test Codes, Supplement on Instruments and Apparatus, Part 5, Chapter 4. New York: Amer. Soc. mech. Engrs. 1959, S. 17/19.
3. Fluid meters, their theory and application. Report of ASME Research Committee on Fluid Meters. 5. Aufl. New York: Amer. Soc. mech. Engrs. 1959, S. 43/45.
4. DIN 1952: VDI-Durchflußmeßregeln. 6. Aufl. Düsseldorf: Deutscher Ingenieur-Verlag 1948.
5. Japanese Industrial Standards B-8302: Flow measurement of pump. JIS Mechanical Industrial Standards Nr. 3, Rikōgakusha 1958, S. 155/64.