1. L. Parker:Phys. Rev.,188, 2287 (1969).
2. V. S. Olkhovsky andE. Recami:Visn. Kiivs. Univ. Ser. Viz.,11, 58 (1970);About Lorentz transformations and tachyons, preprint ITF/70 (Kiev, 1970);Lett. Nuovo Cimento,1, 165 (1971);E. Recami and R. Mignani:Lett. Nuovo Cimento, 4, 144 (1972);R. Mignani, E. Recami and U. Lombardo:Lett. Nuovo Cimento,4, 624 (1972). See alsoM. Pavšič:The extended special theory of relativity, preprint, University of Ljubljana (1971), unpublished;A. F. Antippa: preprint, Université de Quebéc (1970), unpublished.
3. R. Mignani andE. Recami:Nuovo Cimento A,14, 169 (1973).A. F. Antippa:Nuovo Cimento A,10, 389 (1972).
4. R. Mignani andE. Recami:Lett. Nuovo Cimento,16, 449 (1976).
5. V. F. Perepelista: Reports ITEP-100 and ITEP-165, Inst. Theor. Exp. Phys. (Moscow, 1980).