1. E. D. Levine, D. F. Kaufman and L. R. Aronin, Trans. AIME
230 (1964) 260.
2. G. L. Tuer and A. R. Kaufmann, in “The Metal Beryllium” edited by D. W. White and J. E. Burke (The American Society for Metals, Cleveland, OH, 1955) pp. 372–424.
3. P. I. Treharne and A. Moore, J. Less Common Metals
4 (1962) 275.
4. G. I. Taylor, J. Inst. Metals
62 (1936) 307.
5. G. J. London, V. V. Damiano and H. Conrad, Trans. AIME
242 (1968) 979.