1. Remez, E.: Sur un, Procédé Convergent d'Approximations Successives pour Determiner les Polynomes d'Appproximation. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris198, 2063?2065 (1934).
2. Remez, E.: Sur le Calcul Effectif des Polynomes d'Approximation deTschebyscheff. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris199, 337?340 (1934).
3. Remez, E. Ya.: On the Method of Best, in the Sense ofTchebycheff, Approximate Representation of Functions, (Ukrainian), Kiev, 1935. See also Reference 4 below.
4. Remez, E. Ya. General Computation Methods for Chebyshev Approximation. Problems with Real Parameters Entering Linearly. Izdat. Akad. Nauk Ukrainsk. SSR. Kiev, 1957. 454 pp. See also MR 19-580 (Russian).
5. Novodvorskii, E. N., andI. Sh. Pinsker: On a Process of Equalization of Maxima, Uspehi Matem. Nauk, N. S.6, 174?181 (1951). See alsoShenitzer, A.: Chebyshev Approximations. J. Assoc. Comput. Mach.4, 30?35 (1957). MR 13-728.