1. Nuclear Street. IAEA Evaluates SMR Technology. 2020-11-04, available at website of Nuclear Street
2. Spiegel Wissenschaft. Strahlendes Comeback — Bidens Atomplan. 2020-11-19, available at website of Spiegel Wissenschaft
3. Delmastro D F. CAREM25, SMR design and technology development in Argentina and status of the construction of CAREM25 prototype. In: Proceedings of the 2nd Meeting of the Technical Working Group for Small and Medium-sized or Modular Reactors, Vienna, Austria, 2019
4. World Nuclear News. Canadian Government invests in SMR Technology. 2020-10-16, available at website of World Nuclear News
5. World Energy. China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) has announced the launch of a project to construct an ACP100 small modular reactor. 2019-07-23, available at website of World Energy