1. Almeida, R. A. (ed.) 1978 Cape Verdeans in America: Our Story (Based on an original unpublished manuscript by M. K. H. Platzer & D. M. Machado). Boston: TCHUBA ? The American Committee for Cape Verde, Inc.
2. Almeida, R. A. and Nyhan, P. (eds.) 1976 Cape Verde and its People: A Short History (Adapted from an unpublished manuscript by D. Machado). Boston: TCHUBA ? The American Committee for Cape Verde, Inc.
3. American Psychiatric Association. 1980 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder, 3rd Edition (DSM - III). Washington, D.C.
4. Blumhagen, D. 1980 Hyper-Tension: A Folk Illness with a Medical Name. Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry 4: 197?227.
5. Brody, H. and Waters, D. B. 1980 Diagnosis Is Treatment. The Journal of Family Practice 10: 445?449.