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4. C. Baltay, T. Ferbel, J. Sandweiss, H. Taft, B. Culwick, W. B. Fowler, M. Gailloud, J. Kopp, R. Louttit, T. Morris, J. Sanford, R. Shutt, D. Stonehill, R. Stump, A. Thorndike, M. Webster, W. Willis, A. Bachman, P. Baumel andR. M. Lea:Interactions of High-Energy Antiprotons in Hydrogen, inStanford Nucleon Structure Meeting (1963).
5. T. Ferbel, A. Firestone, J. Johnson, J. Sandweiss andH. D. Taft:Multiple Pion Production (Without Annihilation) in $$ \bar p - p $$ Collisions at 7 GeV/c (to be published).