1. T. Ferbel, A. Firestone, J. Johnson, J. Sandweiss andH. Taft:Single Pion Production and Multiple Pion Annihilations in p-pInteractions at 7 GeV/c (to be published).
2. O. Czyzewski, B. Escoubès, Y. Goldschmidt-Clermont, M. Guinea- Moorhead, T. Hofmokl, E. Lewisch, D. R. O. Morrison, M. Schneeberger andS. de Unamuno:Proceedings of the Sienna International Conference on Elementary Particles, vol.1 (1963), p. 271;H. C. Dehne, E. Lohrmann E. Ranbold, P. Söding, M. W. Teuchee andG. Wolf:Proceedings of the Sienna International Conference on Elementary Particles, vol.1 (1963), p. 282.
3. T. Feebel, J. Sandweiss, H. Taft, M. Gailloud, T. W. Moeeis, R. M. Lea, andT. E. Kalogeropoulos:Phys. Rev. Lett.,9, 351 (1962);C. Baltay, T. Ferbel, J. Sandweiss, H. Taft, B. CUlwick, W. B. Fowler, M. Gailloud, J. Kopp, E. Louttit, T. Moreis, J. Stanford, R. Shutt, D. Stonehill, R. Stump, A. Thorndike, M. Webstee, W. Willis, A. Bachman, P. Baumel andR. M. Lea:Interactions of High-Energy Antiprotons in Hydrogen, inStanford Nucleon Structure Meeting (1963).
4. F. Salzman andG. Salzman:Phys. Rev.,121, 1541 (1961). A review of earlier work on peripheral model is given byE. Ferrari andF. Selleri:Suppl. Nuovo Cimento,24, 453 (1962);S. D. Drell:Rev. Mod. Phys.,33, 458 (1961).
5. E. Ferrari andF. Selleri:Phys. Rev. Lett.,7, 387 (1961);Nuovo Cimento,27, 1450 (1963). Recent criticism of the theory of Ferrari and Selleri can be found inL. Durand andY. T. Chiu:Phys. Rev. Lett.,12, 399 (1964); also inJ. D. Jackson: Remarkson the Phenomenological Analysis of Resonances, preprint (1964).