1. See for example, R.M. German, Advances in Powder Technology, edited by G.Y. Chin (American Society for Metals, Metal Park, OH, 1982), p. 225, J.J. Snyder, Metals Handbook 9th Ed., Vol. 7: Powder Metallurgy (American Society for Metals, Metal Park, OH, 1984), p. 696, and L.M. Sheppard, in Ceramic Transactions Vol. 31: Porous Materials, edited by K. Ishizaki, L.M. Sheppard, S. Okada, T. Hamasaki, and B. Huybrechts (The American Ceramic Society, Westerville, OH, 1993), p. 3.
2. D.L. Trimm and A. Stanislaus, Applied Catalysis 21, 215 (1986).
3. Y. Kuroshima, Y. Kondo, S. Okada, and Yogyo-Kyokashi, Journal of Ceramic Society of Japan 93, 587 (1985).
4. Y. Yasutomi, A. Chiba, and M. Sobue, Journal of American Ceramic Society 74, 950 (1991).
5. K. Ishizaki, A. Takata, and S. Okada, Journal of Ceramic Society of Japan International 98, 15 (1990).