1. E. D. Tarapore, “Magnetic Fields in Aluminum Reduction Cells and Their Influences on Metal Pad Circulation,” Light Metals 1979, Vol. 1, The Metallurgical Society, Warrendale, Pennsylvania, 1979, pp. 541–550.
2. Th. Sele, “Computer Model for Magnetic Fields in Electrolytic Cells Including the Effect of Steel Parts,” Met. Trans., 5B (1974), pp. 2145–2150.
3. R. F. Robl, “Influence by Steel Shell on Magnetic Fields within Hall-Héroult Cells,” Light Metals 1978, Vol. 1, The Metallurgical Society, Warrendale, Pennsylvania, 1978, pp. 1–13.
4. D. Sharma, “Details of an Efficient Computational Procedure for the Prediction of Convective Heat, Mass and Momentum Transfers,” Report ATG/TN/DN/41, Advanced Technology Group, Dames and Moore, Denver, Colorado.
5. A. R. Johnson, “Metal Pad Velocity Measurements in Aluminum Reduction Cells,” Light Metals 1978, Vol. 1, The Metallurgical Society, Warrendale, Pennsylvania, 1978, pp. 45–48.