1. Arnold, W.M. (1978). Evaluation of the Georgia Career Information System as used at pilot demonstration sites. In On developing a Hawaii career information delivery system. Honolulu, HI: Hawaii State Occupational Information Coordinating Committee.
2. Bingham, W.C. (1976). Comparative guidance: A call for action. Vocational Guidance Quarterly 24(4): 360?365.
3. Chapman, W., Norris, L., and Katz, M. (1973). SIGI: Report of a pilot study under field conditions. Princeton, N.J.: Educational Testing Service.
4. Colozzi, E.A. (1980). The Leeward experience. Honolulu, HI: Leeward Community College.
5. Final Report;J.T. Impelleteri,1968