1. R. Ackermann, Comments on N. Rescher's “Semantic foundation for the logic of preference”, in:The Logic of Decision and Action (Pittsburgh, 1967).
2. E. Adams,The Logic of Conditionals: An Application of Probability to Deductive Logic (Reidel, Dordrecht).
3. K.J. Arrow,Social Choice and Individual Values (Cowles Foundation and Wiley, New York, 1951).
4. K.J. Arrow and H. Raynaud,Social Choice and Multicriterion Decision-Making (The MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass, 1986).
5. K.J. Arrow, Values and collective decision-making, in:Philosophy, Politics and Society, eds. P. Laslett and W.B. Runciman (Basil Blackwell, Oxford, 1967).