1. Rosner, G.: The FAIR facility. Contribution to the LEAP13 Conference, this volume
2. Gillitzer, A.: Strong interaction physics with antiproton-induced reactions at P̅ANDA. Contribution to the LEAP13 Conference, this volume
3. Pyszniak, A.: Pellet tracking for hadron physics experiments. Contribution to the LEAP13 Conference, this volume
4. Köhler, E.: Design and performance of the future cluster-jet target for P̅ANDA at FAIR. In: Proceeding of Science, 8th International Conference on Nuclear Physics at Storage Ring - Stori11, Oct 9–14 (2011)
5. Erni, W., et al.: Technical Design Report for the P̅ANDA (AntiProton Proton Annihilations at Darmstadt) Straw Tube Tracker. doi: 10.1140/epja/i2013-13025-8