1. LoveTheory of Elasticity, 1927, 4th ed., Chap. XXII. He gives many references. Nadai, A. “Die elastischen Platten,”Julius Springer, Berlin, 1925. Holl, D. L.Iowa State College Engr. Exp. Sta. Bul., 1936, 129. He gives many references to the work of Westergaard, Spangler and others. Timoshenko, S. P.Proc. 5th International Congress of Appl. Mech., 1938, 40–43. Gran Olsson and Reissner, E.J. of Math. and Phys., 1940,19, 131–39. Woinowsky-Krieger, S.Ing. Arch., 1933,4, 203–66, 303–31. Stevenson, A. C.Phil. Mag., 1943,34, 105–14. Sokolnikaff, I. S.Bull Amer. Math. Soc., 1942,48, 539–55. Stoker, J. J.Ibid., Bull Amer. Math. Soc., p. 247. Reissner, E.J. of Math. and Phy., 1944,23, 184–91.
2. LoveLoc. cit. J. of Math. and Phy., p. 484.
3. LoveIbid. J. of Math. and Phy., p. 490.