1. Wiman, �ber die angen�herte Darstellung von ganzen Funktionen, Ark. f�r Mat. Astron. och Fys.1 1903.
2. We here have reproduced almost exactly Littlewood's calculations.
3. Littlewood, A general theorem on integral functions of finite order. Proceedings of the Lond. Math. Soc. (2)6 (1908), p. 189?204. A. Wiman, �ber die Eigenschaften der ganzen Funktionen von der H�he Null. Math. Ann.76 (1915), S. 197?211.
4. At that time I did not know of the existence of Wiman's proof. My proof is based on the idea of deforming the curve of roots, but not quite in the same way as in this paper. A few copies of my proof were published then in Russian; it appeared afterwards in German in the Bulletin de l'Acad. des Sciences de Russie, 1924.
5. Clearly the ? may be omitted.