1. F. B. Hildebrand, E. Reissner andG. B. Thomas,Notes on the Foundation of the Theory of Small Displacements of Orthotropic Shells, NACA TN 1833 (1949).
2. W. T. Koiter,A Consistant First Approximation in the General Theory of Elastic Shells, Proc. Symp. on the Theory of Thin Elastic Shells, Delft 1959 (Ed. W. T. Koiter, North Holland 1960), p. 12–33.
3. W. T. Koiter,On the Simplest Possible Accurate Linear Theory of Thin Circular Shells (Internal Rept., Lab. Engr. Mechs., Delft 1968), to be published.
4. J. L. Sanders, Jr.,On the Shell Equations in Complex Form, Proc. 2nd IUTAM Symp. on the Theory of Thin Shells (Springer-Verlag, 1969), p. 135–156.
5. F. Y. M. Wan,On the Equations of the Linear Theory of Elastic Conical Shells, Stud. appl. Math.49, 69–83 (1970).