1. M. YU. BALSHIN and S. S. KIPARISOV, “General Principles of Powder Metallurgy” (Mir, Moscow, 1980).
2. M. G. ZDANOVICH, “Teoriya Pressovaniya Metallicheskih Poroshkov” (Metallurgiya, Moscow, 1969) (in Russian).
3. W. D. JONES, “Fundamental Principles of Powder Metallurgy”, Chs II to IV: “Pressing, Shaping, etc., without Pressing, Sintering” (Edward Arnold, London, 1960).
4. E. Y. GUTMANAS,Powder Met. Int. 12 (1980) 178.
5. D. STEFANOVIĆ and M. M. RISTIĆ,Powder Technol. 30 (1981) 37.