1. Ahacic K, Parker MG, Thorslund M (2000) Mobility limitations in the Swedish population from 1968 to 1992: age, gender and social class differences. Aging (Milano) 12:190–198
2. Baltes PB, Smith J (2003) New frontiers in the future of aging: from successful aging of the young old to the dilemmas of the fourth age. Gerontology 49:123–135
3. Berntman M, Brundell-Freij K, Hydén C, Ståhl A, Öberg G, Nilsson G, Velin H, Wretling P (1996) Fotgängares och cyklister singelolyckor (In Swedish) [Pedestrians’ and cyclists’ single accidents]. VTI-meddelande 799-1996. Väg-och Transportforskningsinstitutet (VTI), Linköping
4. BFS 2003:19 HIN1 Regulations and general recommendations issued by the Swedish National Board of Housing, Building and Planning (Boverket) on the removal of easily eliminated obstacles to and in premises to which the public has access and in public spaces. http://www.boverket.se/Global/Webbokhandel/Dokument/2008/HIN1_Removal_of_easily_eliminated_obstacles_BFS_2003_19.pdf
5. BFS 2004:15 ALM1 Regulations and general recommendations issued by the Swedish National Board of Housing, Building and Planning (Boverket) on accessibility and usability for people with limited mobility or orientation capacity in public spaces and in areas for constructions other than buildings. http://www.boverket.se/Global/Webbokhandel/Dokument/2008/ALM1_english.pdf