1. 48Zac: W.H. Zachariasen, “The Crystal Structure of PuN and PuC,” USAEC, U. Chicago, Rep. AECD-2195 (1948);
2. Met. Abst. (Sec. 2)19, 121 (1951). (Crystal Structure; Experimental)
3. Nat. Nucl. Energy Ser., Div. 4;W.H. Zachariasen,1949
4. 49Zac2: W.H. Zachariasen, “Crystal Chemical Studies of the 5f-Series of Elements. XII. New Compounds Representing Known Structure Types,”Acta Crystallogr., 2 388–390 (1949). (Crys Structure; Compilation)
5. 54Bal: J.G. Ball, P. Greenfield, P.G. Mardon, and J.A.L. Robertson, “The Crystal Structures of Plutonium. The δ and ε Phases,” United Kingdom At. Energy Authority, Harwell, Rep. AERE M/R 2416 (1954). (Crys Structure; Experimental)