1. 58Ian: A. Iandelli, “Intermetallic Compounds of the Rare Earth Metals,” Physical Chemistry of Metals and Alloys, Proc. National Physical Laboratory, No. 9, paper 3F, London, 1–11 (1958). (Crys Structure; Experimental)
2. 58Kub: O. Kubaschewski and H. A. Sloman, “Relations Between Physical Properties and Bond Mechanism of Intermetallic Compounds,” Physical Chemistry of Metals and Alloys, Proc. National Physical Laboratory, No. 9, paper 3B, London, 1–13 (1958). (Thermo; Theory)
3. 61Mat: B. T. Matthias, V. B. Compton, and E. Corenzwit, “Some New Superconducting Compounds,”J. Phys. Chem. Solids., 19, 130–133 (1961). (Crys Structure, Magnetism; Experimental)
4. 61Zac: W. H. Zachariasen, unpublished information (1961); quoted in [61Mat]. (Crys Structure; Experimental)
5. 63Mat: B. T. Matthias, T. H. Geballe, and V. B. Compton, “Superconductivity,”Rev. Mod. Phys., 35, 1–22 (1963). (Crys Structure, Magnetism; Review)