1. Josh Cohen Benaloh: Secret Sharing Homomorphisms: Keeping Shares of a Secret Secret; CRYPTO '86, LNCS 263, Springer-Verlag, Berlin 1987, 251–260.
2. Josh Benaloh: Questions after the presentation of [8], Lofthus, May 1993.
3. David Chaum: Untraceable Electronic Mail, Return Addresses, and Digital Pseudonyms; CACM 24/2 (1981) 84–88.
4. David Chaum, Hans van Antwerpen: Undeniable signatures; CRYPTO '89, LNCS 435, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg 1990, 212–216.
5. Josh Cohen, Michael Fischer: A robust and verifiable cryptographically secure election scheme; FOCS 1985, 372–382.