1. R. Baer, "Lokal endlich-auflösbare Gruppen mit endlichen Sylow-untergruppen", J. Reine Angew. Math., 239/240 (1970), 109–144. (MR 41 #3607).
2. M. R. Dixon, Formation Theory in a Class of Locally Finite Groups, Ph.D. Thesis (University of Warwick, 1979).
3. Martyn Dixon, "Formation Theory in locally finite groups satisfying min-p for all primes p", to appear.
4. A. D. Gardiner, B. Hartley and M. J. Tomkinson, "Saturated formations and Sylow structure in locally finite groups", J. Algebra, 17(1971), 177–211. (MR 42 #7778).
5. B. Hartley, "Sylow subgroups of locally finite groups", Proc. London Math. Soc. (3), 23(1971), 159–192. (MR 46 #3623).