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2. Quan, S. H. Q., M. R. Deddish, and M. W. Stearns, Jr.: The effect of preoperative roentgen therapy upon the 10 and 5 year results of the surgical treatment of cancer of the rectum. Surg. Gynec. Obstet.111: 507, 1960.
3. Stearns, M. W., Jr., M. R. Deddish, and S. H. Q. Quan: Preoperative roentgen therapy for cancer of the rectum. Surg. Gynec. Obstet.109: 225, 1959.
4. Stearns, M. W., Jr., J. W. Berg, and M. R. Deddish: Preoperative irradiation of cancer of the rectum. Dis. Colon Rectum.4: 403, 1961.