1. V. P. Petrov (editor), Report of the All-Union Scientific-Technical Committee on Radio-Engineering Measurements [in Russian], Novosibirsk (1969).
2. V. P. Petrov (editor), Report of the All-Union Scientific-Technical Committee on Radio-Engineering Measurements [in Russian], Vol. II, Novosibirsk (1970).
3. V. P. Petrov (editor), Report of the All-Union Symposium on Modern Methods and Apparatus for Measurement of the Parameters of Radio Circuits [in Russian], Novosibirsk (1974).
4. V. P. Petrov et al., Izmeritel'. Tekh., No. 8 (1974).
5. B. O. Weinschel, ?Air-filled coaxial lines as absolute impedance standards,? Microwave J.,7 (1974).